sadly never regained

06/07/2011 10:05


The actor, who played Vibram 5 Finger Kenickie in the 1978 musical - passed away in hospital in Los Angeles. Conaway is likely best remembered for playing the swaggering teenager Kenickie, alongside John Travolta (Danny) and Olivia Newton-John (Sandy.) Some may even better recall his character Bobby in the comedy series Taxi. He played Bobby Wheeler in the hit TV sitcom Taxi from 1978-1983, which also starred Danny DeVito, who we all recognize for his role as Arnolds twin, and Christopher Lloyd. The actor who had for some time Vibram Five Fingers battled drug addiction, was struck down with pneumonia and sepsis, a potentially fatal blood poisoning caused by a bacterial infection. Although getting the best of medical care and his condition carefully monitored…it was not enough to keep him alive. The actor was placed in a medically induced coma to aid his recovery at the Encino-Tarzana Regional Medical Center in California - but sadly never regained consciousness. It was a tough decision for his family, when today decided to switch off his life-support vibram five fingers trek sport machine after spending several days in a coma.